Commission Sheet

@ac_nines (Maxie Rodil)

Bust portrait

starts at:Sketch: $45.00nzd
Black & White: $70.00nzd
Full Color: $90.00nzd

Half-Body Illustration

starts at:Sketch: $60.00nzd
Black & White: $90.00nzd
Full Color: $120.00nzd

Full-Body Illustration

starts at:Sketch: $90.00nzd
Black & White: $120.00nzd
Full Color: $180.00nzd

Fee info:

  • Payment will be made via Bank Transfer if within NZ, but Paypal is also accepted, with 50% of the payment done upfront, and 50% of the payment upon completion.

  • Base prices, listed above, include a simple pose and a simple background.

  • The price may increase based on the desired complexity of the composition, such as a detailed background, detailed outfits, etc.

  • Additional characters increase the price by 50% each.

  • I will gladly throw my little spin on your characters if you want me to, but if you want me to completely design your character from scratch, this will increase the price based on the complexity of the desired design.


I will not draw:

  • NSFW or kinks, do note that not all nudity is considered NSFW

  • Heavy gore

Rights to the artwork:

I reserve the rights to the finished piece. You are not allowed to use the artwork, or any alteration of it, for commercial use.

The process:

  1. After we agree on a concept, and preferably after you show me references to help me understand what you want, we will agree on a price. After you have sent me 50% of the price upfront, I will get to work!

  2. Then, I will send you a couple of sketches that indicate mood, color, and overall composition for you to pick from. At this point, you are free to request any changes such as "I prefer cooler colors" or "can you make it so that Character A is sitting instead of standing"

  3. After the initial feedback, I will begin painting the piece. I will then send you the piece at about 60-80% complete. At this point, you are only allowed to request simple changes, like a different color on the garments, or a slightly different expression. Changes to pose or composition may be out of scope at this stage, although not impossible for a fee.

  4. Then, I will send you the final preview for the image, and upon receiving the final payment, I can send you the full hi-res image!


Send me an email through [email protected]
Or shoot me a message on my socials:

Help me help you:

It would be so immensely helpful if you have a clear idea of the concept that you want, and have the references so I can also see the image in your head.
Another helpful thing would be if you looked at my portfolio and saw the styles I can do so you can see if the concept in your head are things I've already done!